The following KafkaCluster custom resource examples show you some basic use cases. You can use these examples as a base for your own Kafka cluster.

KafkaCluster CR with detailed explanation 🔗︎

This is our most descriptive KafkaCluster CR. You can find a lot of valuable explanation about the settings.

Kafka cluster with monitoring 🔗︎

This is a very simple KafkaCluster CR with Prometheus monitoring enabled.

Kafka cluster with ACL, SSL, and rack awareness 🔗︎

You can read more details about rack awareness here.

Kafka cluster with broker configuration 🔗︎

Kafka cluster with custom SSL certificates for external listeners 🔗︎

You can specify custom SSL certificates for listeners.
For details about SSL configuration, see Securing Kafka With SSL.

Kafka cluster with SASL 🔗︎

You can use SASL authentication on the listeners. For details, see Expose the Kafka cluster to external applications.

Kafka cluster with load balancers and brokers in the same availability zone 🔗︎

You can create a broker-ingress mapping to eliminate traffic across availability zones between load balancers and brokers by configuring load balancers for brokers in same availability zone.

Kafka cluster with Istio 🔗︎

You can use Istio as the ingress controller for your external listeners. It requires using our Istio operator in the Kubernetes cluster.

Kafka cluster with custom advertised address for external listeners and brokers 🔗︎

You can set custom advertised IP address for brokers.
This is useful when you’re advertising the brokers on an IP address different from the Kubernetes node IP address.
You can also set custom advertised address for external listeners.
For details, see Expose the Kafka cluster to external applications.

Kafka cluster with Kubernetes scheduler affinity settings 🔗︎

You can set node affinity for your brokers.

Kafka cluster with custom storage class 🔗︎

You can configure your brokers to use custom storage classes.