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The Koperator (formerly called Banzai Cloud Kafka Operator) installs, manages and right-scales Apache Kafka on Kubernetes automatically. It also provides advanced security, self-healing and automatic adaptation based on run-time metrics from Prometheus.

Deploy on Kubernetes

Deploy a full-featured Kafka cluster on Kubernetes using a single custom resource.

Automated Ops

Replace human ops with automated monitoring and alerts-based self-healing.


Focus on your application instead of the plumbing.


Banzai Cloud's Koperator installs and manages the entire Kafka lifecycle automatically, based on the instructions you give in a simple Kubernetes custom resource.

Autoscaling: automates load balancing and the creation and removal of brokers on demand. Downscaling is handled without any disruption to the clients. Cruise Control based rules are applied for self-healing.

Prometheus is configured to collect all metrics that lets you observe the status and performance of your application. Grafana dashboards aid troubleshooting, alert manager is preconfigured with meaningful defaults. Rule-based action plugins leverage Prometheus metrics.

Advanced security settings provide effortless channel encryption and access management.

  • Deploy on Kubernetes
  • Automated Ops
  • Productivity
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