pke install worker kubernetes-node 🔗︎
Kubernetes worker node installation
Synopsis 🔗︎
Kubernetes worker node installation
pke install worker kubernetes-node [flags]
Options 🔗︎
--azure-loadbalancer-sku string Sku of Load Balancer and Public IP. Candidate values are: basic and standard (default "basic")
--azure-route-table-name string The name of the route table attached to the subnet that the cluster is deployed in (default "kubernetes-routes")
--azure-security-group-name string The name of the security group attached to the cluster's subnet
--azure-subnet-name string The name of the subnet that the cluster is deployed in
--azure-tenant-id string The AAD Tenant ID for the Subscription that the cluster is deployed in
--azure-vm-type string The type of azure nodes. Candidate values are: vmss and standard (default "standard")
--azure-vnet-name string The name of the VNet that the cluster is deployed in
--azure-vnet-resource-group string The name of the resource group that the Vnet is deployed in
-h, --help help for kubernetes-node
--kubernetes-api-server string Kubernetes API Server host port
--kubernetes-api-server-ca-cert-hash string CA cert hash
--kubernetes-cloud-provider string cloud provider. example: aws
--kubernetes-container-runtime string Kubernetes container runtime (default "containerd")
--kubernetes-node-labels strings Specifies the labels the Node should be registered with
--kubernetes-node-token string PKE join token
--kubernetes-pod-network-cidr string range of IP addresses for the pod network on the current node
--kubernetes-version string Kubernetes version (default "1.19.10")
--pipeline-cluster-id int32 Cluster ID to use with Pipeline API
--pipeline-insecure If the Pipeline API should not verify the API's certificate
--pipeline-nodepool string name of the nodepool the node belongs to
--pipeline-org-id int32 Organization ID to use with Pipeline API
-t, --pipeline-token string Token for accessing Pipeline API
-u, --pipeline-url string Pipeline API server url
--reset-on-failure Roll back changes after failures
--taints strings Specifies the taints the Node should be registered with
- pke install worker - Installs Banzai Cloud Pipeline Kubernetes Engine (PKE) Worker node