Delete the operator

In case you want to delete the Koperator from your cluster, note that because of dependencies between the various components, they must be deleted in specific order.


It’s important to delete the Koperator deployment as the last step.

Uninstall Koperator

  1. Delete the Prometheus instance used by the Kafka cluster. If you used the sample Prometheus instance from the Koperator repository you can use the following command, otherwise do this step manually according to the way you deployed the Prometheus instance.

    kubectl delete \
        -n kafka \

    Expected output: deleted deleted deleted deleted
    serviceaccount/prometheus deleted deleted deleted
  2. Delete KafkaCluster Custom Resource (CR) that represent the Kafka cluster and Cruise Control.

    kubectl delete kafkaclusters -n kafka kafka

    Example output: deleted

    Wait for the Kafka resources (Pods, PersistentVolumeClaims, Configmaps, etc) to be removed.

    kubectl get pods -n kafka

    Expected output:

    NAME                                       READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    kafka-operator-operator-8458b45587-286f9   2/2     Running   0          62s

    You would also need to delete other Koperator-managed CRs (if any) following the same fashion

    Note: KafkaCluster, KafkaTopic and KafkaUser custom resources are protected with Kubernetes finalizers, so those won’t be actually deleted from Kubernetes until the Koperator removes those finalizers. After the Koperator has finished cleaning up everything, it removes the finalizers. In case you delete the Koperator deployment before it cleans up everything, you need to remove the finalizers manually.

  3. Uninstall Koperator deployment.

    helm uninstall kafka-operator -n kafka

    Expected output:

    release "kafka-operator" uninstalled
  4. Delete Koperator Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs).

    kubectl delete -f

Uninstall Prometheus operator

  1. Uninstall the prometheus-operator deployment.

    helm uninstall -n prometheus prometheus

    Expected output:

    release "prometheus" uninstalled
  2. If no other cluster resources uses prometheus-operator CRDs, delete the prometheus-operator’s CRDs.

    Note: Red Hat OpenShift clusters require those CRDs to function so do not delete those on such clusters.

    kubectl get crd | grep ''| awk '{print $1};' | xargs kubectl delete crd

Uninstall Zookeeper Operator

  1. Delete Zookeeper CR.

    kubectl delete zookeeperclusters -n zookeeper zookeeper-server

    Expected output: deleted

    Wait for the Zookeeper resources (Deployment, PersistentVolumeClaims, Configmaps, etc) to be removed.

    kubectl get pods -n zookeeper

    Expected output:

    NAME                                  READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    zookeeper-operator-5857967dcc-gm5l5   1/1     Running   0          3m22s
  2. Uninstall the zookeeper-operator deployment.

    helm uninstall zookeeper-operator -n zookeeper
  3. If no other cluster resource uses Zookeeper CRDs, delete Zookeeper Operator’s CRDs

    kubectl delete customresourcedefinition

Uninstall Cert-Manager

Uninstall with Helm

  1. Uninstall cert-manager deployment.

    helm uninstall -n cert-manager cert-manager

    Expected output:

    release "cert-manager" uninstalled
  2. If no other cluster resource uses cert-manager CRDs, delete cert-manager’s CRDs:

    kubectl delete -f

    Expected output: deleted deleted deleted deleted deleted deleted
Last modified October 26, 2023: Standalone site (#125) (6eafe48)