Developer Guide


If you find this project useful here’s how you can help:

  • Send a pull request with your new features and bug fixes
  • Help new users with issues they may encounter
  • Support the development of this project and star this repo!

When you are opening a PR to Koperator the first time we will require you to sign a standard CLA.

How to run Koperator in your cluster with your changes

Koperator is built on the kubebuilder project.

To build the operator and run tests:

  1. Run make

If you make changes and would like to try your own version, create your own image:

  1. make docker-build IMG={YOUR_USERNAME}/kafka-operator:v0.0.1
  2. make docker-push IMG={YOUR_USERNAME}/kafka-operator:v0.0.1
  3. make deploy IMG={YOUR_USERNAME}/kafka-operator:v0.0.1

Watch the operator’s logs with:

kubectl logs -f -n kafka kafka-operator-controller-manager-0 -c manager

Alternatively, run the operator on your machine:

  1. export $KUBECONFIG
  2. make install
  3. make run

Create CR and let the operator set up Kafka in your cluster (you can change the spec of Kafka for your needs in the yaml file):

Remember you need an Apache ZooKeeper server to run Kafka

kubectl create -n kafka -f config/samples/simplekafkacluster.yaml

Limitations on minikube

Minikube does not have a load balancer implementation, thus our envoy service will not get an external IP and the operator will get stuck at this point.

A possible solution to overcome this problem is to use The operator will be able to proceed if you run the following command:

kubectl run minikube-lb-patch --replicas=1 --image=elsonrodriguez/minikube-lb-patch:0.1 --namespace=kube-system
Last modified October 26, 2023: Standalone site (#125) (6eafe48)