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The content of this page hasn't been updated for years and might refer to discontinued products and projects.

Apache Spark on Kubernetes series:
Introduction to Spark on Kubernetes
Scaling Spark made simple on Kubernetes
The anatomy of Spark applications on Kubernetes
Monitoring Apache Spark with Prometheus
Spark History Server on Kubernetes
Spark scheduling on Kubernetes demystified
Spark Streaming Checkpointing on Kubernetes
Deep dive into monitoring Spark and Zeppelin with Prometheus
Spark Streaming Checkpointing on Kubernetes
Deep dive into monitoring Spark and Zeppelin with Prometheus
Apache Spark application resilience on Kubernetes

Apache Zeppelin on Kubernetes series:
Running Zeppelin Spark notebooks on Kubernetes
Running Zeppelin Spark notebooks on Kubernetes - deep dive

Apache Kafka on Kubernetes series:
Kafka on Kubernetes - using etcd

In our last blogpost we described how to configure spark-submit and Spark History Server to enable gathering event logs to Amazon S3. Since then, we’ve added more supported providers to Pipeline, and broadened the available options to easily capture Spark event logs to Amazon AWS S3, Microsoft Azure WASB and Google Cloud Storage. Lets see how this works.

Spark Flow

You can use our Helm deployment charts directly.

We have the following umbrella charts:

  • spark deploys all the background infrastructure you need in place to run a spark-submit job: Spark Resource Staging Server, Shuffle Service and Spark History Server should be enabled (by default they’re not).

  • zeppelin-spark deploys all of the above, plus a Zeppelin Server deployment and an externally accessible service.

If you want to experiment, you can find a few deployment examples, here.

Behind the scenes 🔗︎

Note: the following steps are automated by Pipeline, but are listed in order to aid in understanding what goes on behind the scenes, and to serve as a comprehensive guide, in case you’d like to reproduce them in your own environment without using Pipeline.

Let’s see what’s happening behind the scenes. If you prefer to do things manually, you’ll need to resolve the following steps:

1. Configuration 🔗︎

Enable event logging in Spark Driver and configure the event logging folders for both spark-submit and History server. We’ve already thoroughly covered this topic in our previous blog

2. Building images 🔗︎

You need an image that includes Hadoop FileSystem drivers for each cloud storage option:

  • AWS libraries are included by default in Spark’s distribution
  • Azure SDK can be included using the hadoop-2.7 profile
  • Google Connector, has to be included as a dependency to the hadoop-cloud module.

Currently, we build our Spark images based on Spark’s k8s branch, since all of its features have yet to be ported to the master branch. You’ll need a few patches to include Google Connector, let’s see what these are:

  • SPARK-7481 introduces the spark-hadoop-cloud module, which is not present in Spark k8s and has to be cherry-picked from the master branch.
  • Add hadoop-cloud profile dependency. This is a necessary fix, since, by default, the spark-hadoop-cloud module is not included in the docker bundle.
  • Add gcs connector dependency to hadoop-cloud module. This includes the Google Connector dependency in the spark-hadoop-cloud module. It also updates Guava to a newer version in the docker bundle, as the current one is quite old.

We’ll provide a patch to include an optional Google Connector for the master branch, as soon as these features are ported there, so we can use it as a basis for our Spark images.

3. Access to different Cloud Storages 🔗︎

Access is granted either by providing different access keys - this works on all cloud providers - or on the basis of policies/rules. Let’s see what you need for setup on each cloud provider:

  • on Amazon it’s possible to gain access to S3 storage using policies. For example, you can add the following policies to your instance profile:
  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
        "Effect": "Allow",
        "Action": [
        "Resource": "*"
  • on Google Cloud, if you create your bucket and cluster with the same Storage Account, the only thing you have to add is the following scopes to your node config:
Config: &gke.NodeConfig{
   MachineType:    nodePoolModel.NodeInstanceType,
   ServiceAccount: nodePoolModel.ServiceAccount,
   OauthScopes: []string{
  • on Azure there’s no role-based access so far via the Hadoop FS connector, so you have to provide your Storage Account credentials, azureStorageAccountName and azureStorageAccessKey to History Server, and spark-submit options:{{ azureStorageAccountName }}{{ azureStorageAccessKey }}

Keep in mind that these storage buckets have to be created before-hand. Pipeline automates those steps as well, utilizing a special Kubernetes operator that automatically creates buckets on any cloud provider.