supertubes cluster ksqldb create 🔗︎

Create KsqlDB instance.

Synopsis 🔗︎

Create KsqlDB instance based on json/yaml stdin or file config

supertubes cluster ksqldb create [flags]

Examples 🔗︎

# Create KsqlDB from config file
$ supertubes cluster ksqldb create -f <path-to-ksqldb-config-file> -n my-namespace -c <path-to-kubeconfig-file>

# Create KsqlDB from config file and wait to become active
$ supertubes cluster ksqldb create -f <path-to-ksqldb-config-file> -n my-namespace -c <path-to-kubeconfig-file> -w

# Create KsqlDB from stdin and wait to become active
$ cat <path-to-ksqldb-config-file> | supertubes cluster ksqldb create -n my-namespace -c <path-to-kubeconfig-file> -w

Options 🔗︎

  -f, --config-file string       Config file that contains the KsqlDB config.
      --create-service-account   Whether to create the service accounts specified in the KsqlDB descriptor. If this option is set to 'true' and there are no service accounts specified in the KsqlDB descriptor than a service account with <ksqldb-name>-ksqldb will be created. (default true)
  -h, --help                     help for create
  -i, --interval int             Interval in seconds for polling KsqlDB status. (default 5)
  -k, --kafka-cluster string     Name of the Kafka cluster which this KsqlDB instance will connect to. (default "kafka")
      --kafka-connect string     Name of the Kafka Connect which this KsqlDB instance will use to integrate with external data sources.
  -n, --namespace string         Namespace that will host the KsqlDB instance. (default "kafka")
  -r, --schema-registry string   Name of the Schema Registry which this KsqlDB instance will use for schemas.
  -t, --timeout int              Timeout in seconds to wait for the KsqlDB create operation to complete. (default 150)
  -w, --wait                     Wait for KsqlDB create operation to complete.

Options inherited from parent commands 🔗︎

      --accept-license                  Accept the license:
      --color                           use colors on non-tty outputs (default true)
      --context string                  name of the kubeconfig context to use
      --formatting.force-color          force color even when non in a terminal
      --interactive                     ask questions interactively even if stdin or stdout is non-tty
  -c, --kubeconfig string               path to the kubeconfig file to use for CLI requests
      --non-interactive                 never ask questions interactively
  -o, --output string                   output format (table|yaml|json) (default "table")
      --persistent-config-file string   Supertubes persistent config file to use instead of the default at ~/.banzai/supertubes/
  -v, --verbose                         turn on debug logging