LoggingSpec 🔗︎

LoggingSpec defines the desired state of Logging 🔗︎

Variable Name Type Required Default Description
loggingRef string No -
flowConfigCheckDisabled bool No -
flowConfigOverride string No -
fluentbit *FluentbitSpec No -
fluentd *FluentdSpec No -
defaultFlow *DefaultFlowSpec No -
watchNamespaces []string No -
controlNamespace string Yes -
allowClusterResourcesFromAllNamespaces bool No -
enableRecreateWorkloadOnImmutableFieldChange bool No - EnableRecreateWorkloadOnImmutableFieldChange enables the operator to recreate the
fluentbit daemonset and the fluentd statefulset (and possibly other resource in the future)
in case there is a change in an immutable field
that otherwise couldn’t be managed with a simple update.

LoggingStatus 🔗︎

LoggingStatus defines the observed state of Logging 🔗︎

Variable Name Type Required Default Description
configCheckResults map[string]bool No -

Logging 🔗︎

Logging is the Schema for the loggings API 🔗︎

Variable Name Type Required Default Description
metav1.TypeMeta Yes -
metadata metav1.ObjectMeta No -
spec LoggingSpec No -
status LoggingStatus No -

LoggingList 🔗︎

LoggingList contains a list of Logging 🔗︎

Variable Name Type Required Default Description
metav1.TypeMeta Yes -
metadata metav1.ListMeta No -
items []Logging Yes -

DefaultFlowSpec 🔗︎

DefaultFlowSpec is a Flow for logs that did not match any other Flow 🔗︎

Variable Name Type Required Default Description
filters []Filter No -
outputRefs []string No - Deprecated
globalOutputRefs []string No -