LogDNA Output 🔗︎

Overview 🔗︎

This plugin has been designed to output logs to LogDNA. Example Deployment: Transport Nginx Access Logs into LogDNA with Logging Operator

Configuration 🔗︎

LogDNA 🔗︎

Send your logs to LogDNA 🔗︎

Variable Name Type Required Default Description
api_key string Yes - LogDNA Api key
hostname string Yes - Hostname
app string No - Application name
buffer_chunk_limit string No - Do not increase past 8m (8MB) or your logs will be rejected by LogDNA server.

Example LogDNA filter configurations 🔗︎

apiVersion: logging.banzaicloud.io/v1beta1
kind: Output
  name: logdna-output-sample
    api_key: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    hostname: logging-operator
    app: my-app

Fluentd Config Result 🔗︎

<match **>
   @type logdna
   @id test_logdna
   api_key xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxy
   app my-app
   hostname logging-operator