Throttle Filter 🔗︎

Overview 🔗︎

A sentry plugin to throttle logs. Logs are grouped by a configurable key. When a group exceeds a configuration rate, logs are dropped for this group.

Configuration 🔗︎

Throttle 🔗︎

Variable Name Type Required Default Description
group_key string No kubernetes.container_name Used to group logs. Groups are rate limited independently
group_bucket_period_s int No 60 This is the period of of time over which group_bucket_limit applies
group_bucket_limit int No 6000 Maximum number logs allowed per groups over the period of group_bucket_period_s
group_drop_logs bool No true When a group reaches its limit, logs will be dropped from further processing if this value is true
group_reset_rate_s int No group_bucket_limit/group_bucket_period_s After a group has exceeded its bucket limit, logs are dropped until the rate per second falls below or equal to group_reset_rate_s.
group_warning_delay_s int No 10 seconds When a group reaches its limit and as long as it is not reset, a warning message with the current log rate of the group is emitted repeatedly. This is the delay between every repetition.

Example Throttle filter configurations 🔗︎

kind: Flow
 name: demo-flow
   - throttle:
       group_key: "$.kubernetes.container_name"
 selectors: {}
   - demo-output

Fluentd Config Result 🔗︎

<filter **>
 @type throttle
 @id test_throttle
 group_key $.kubernetes.container_name