Datadog output plugin for Fluentd 🔗︎

Overview 🔗︎

It mainly contains a proper JSON formatter and a socket handler that streams logs directly to Datadog - so no need to use a log shipper if you don’t wan’t to. More info at

Configuration 🔗︎

Output Config 🔗︎

Variable Name Type Required Default Description
api_key *secret.Secret Yes nil This parameter is required in order to authenticate your fluent agent.
use_json bool No true Event format, if true, the event is sent in json format. Othwerwise, in plain text.
include_tag_key bool No false Automatically include the Fluentd tag in the record.
tag_key string No “tag” Where to store the Fluentd tag.
timestamp_key string No “@timestamp” Name of the attribute which will contain timestamp of the log event. If nil, timestamp attribute is not added.
use_ssl bool No true If true, the agent initializes a secure connection to Datadog. In clear TCP otherwise.
no_ssl_validation bool No false Disable SSL validation (useful for proxy forwarding)
ssl_port string No “443” Port used to send logs over a SSL encrypted connection to Datadog. If use_http is disabled, use 10516 for the US region and 443 for the EU region.
max_retries string No “-1” The number of retries before the output plugin stops. Set to -1 for unlimited retries
max_backoff string No “30” The maximum time waited between each retry in seconds
use_http bool No true Enable HTTP forwarding. If you disable it, make sure to change the port to 10514 or ssl_port to 10516
use_compression bool No true Enable log compression for HTTP
compression_level string No “6” Set the log compression level for HTTP (1 to 9, 9 being the best ratio)
dd_source string No nil This tells Datadog what integration it is
dd_sourcecategory string No nil Multiple value attribute. Can be used to refine the source attribute
dd_tags string No nil Custom tags with the following format “key1:value1, key2:value2”
dd_hostname string No “hostname -f” Used by Datadog to identify the host submitting the logs.
service string No nil Used by Datadog to correlate between logs, traces and metrics.
port string No “80” Proxy port when logs are not directly forwarded to Datadog and ssl is not used
host string No “” Proxy endpoint when logs are not directly forwarded to Datadog
buffer *Buffer No - Buffer