Kinesis Firehose output plugin for Fluentd 🔗︎

Overview 🔗︎

More info at

Example output configurations 🔗︎

    delivery_stream_name: example-stream-name
    region: us-east-1
      type: json

Configuration 🔗︎

KinesisStream 🔗︎

Send your logs to a Kinesis Stream 🔗︎

Variable Name Type Required Default Description
delivery_stream_name string Yes - Name of the delivery stream to put data.
append_new_line *bool No - If it is enabled, the plugin adds new line character (\n) to each serialized record.
Before appending \n, plugin calls chomp and removes separator from the end of each record as chomp_record is true. Therefore, you don’t need to enable chomp_record option when you use kinesis_firehose output with default configuration (append_new_line is true). If you want to set append_new_line false, you can choose chomp_record false (default) or true (compatible format with plugin v2). (Default:true)
aws_key_id *secret.Secret No - AWS access key id. This parameter is required when your agent is not running on EC2 instance with an IAM Role.
aws_sec_key *secret.Secret No - AWS secret key. This parameter is required when your agent is not running on EC2 instance with an IAM Role.
aws_ses_token *secret.Secret No - AWS session token. This parameter is optional, but can be provided if using MFA or temporary credentials when your agent is not running on EC2 instance with an IAM Role.
aws_iam_retries int No - The number of attempts to make (with exponential backoff) when loading instance profile credentials from the EC2 metadata service using an IAM role. Defaults to 5 retries.
assume_role_credentials *KinesisFirehoseAssumeRoleCredentials No - Typically, you can use AssumeRole for cross-account access or federation.
process_credentials *KinesisFirehoseProcessCredentials No - This loads AWS access credentials from an external process.
region string No - AWS region of your stream. It should be in form like us-east-1, us-west-2. Default nil, which means try to find from environment variable AWS_REGION.
retries_on_batch_request int No - The plugin will put multiple records to Amazon Kinesis Data Streams in batches using PutRecords. A set of records in a batch may fail for reasons documented in the Kinesis Service API Reference for PutRecords. Failed records will be retried retries_on_batch_request times
reset_backoff_if_success bool No - Boolean, default true. If enabled, when after retrying, the next retrying checks the number of succeeded records on the former batch request and reset exponential backoff if there is any success. Because batch request could be composed by requests across shards, simple exponential backoff for the batch request wouldn’t work some cases.
batch_request_max_count int No - Integer, default 500. The number of max count of making batch request from record chunk. It can’t exceed the default value because it’s API limit.
batch_request_max_size int No - Integer. The number of max size of making batch request from record chunk. It can’t exceed the default value because it’s API limit.
format *Format No - Format
buffer *Buffer No - Buffer

Assume Role Credentials 🔗︎

assume_role_credentials 🔗︎

Variable Name Type Required Default Description
role_arn string Yes - The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role to assume
role_session_name string Yes - An identifier for the assumed role session
policy string No - An IAM policy in JSON format
duration_seconds string No - The duration, in seconds, of the role session (900-3600)
external_id string No - A unique identifier that is used by third parties when assuming roles in their customers’ accounts.

Process Credentials 🔗︎

process_credentials 🔗︎

Variable Name Type Required Default Description
process string Yes - Command more info: