To quickly install the CLI, Register for the free version, then run the following command. To upgrade an existing installation, see Upgrade the CLI.

Register for the free tier version of Cisco Service Mesh Manager (formerly called Banzai Cloud Backyards) and follow the Getting Started Guide for up-to-date instructions on the installation.

The script automatically chooses the best distribution package for your platform.

Available packages:

  • Deb package — for latest Ubuntu LTS and Debian stable releases
  • RPM package — for latest CentOS, RHEL, SLES or openSUSE releases
  • binary tarballs for Linux and macOS (x86_64).

You can also select the installation method (one of auto, deb, rpm, brew, tar or go) explicitly:

Register for the free tier version of Cisco Service Mesh Manager (formerly called Banzai Cloud Backyards) and follow the Getting Started Guide for up-to-date instructions on the installation.

On macOS, you can install the packages directly with Homebrew.

Next steps 🔗︎

If you have successfully installed Backyards CLI, you can Install your own instance of Backyards and the demo application with it.