backyards routing rewrite get 🔗︎

Get route configuration for a service

Synopsis 🔗︎

Get route configuration for a service

backyards routing rewrite get [[--service=]namespace/servicename] [[--match=]field:kind=value] ... [flags]

Options 🔗︎

  -h, --help                help for get
  -m, --match stringArray   HTTP request match
      --service string      Service name
  -a, --show-all            Display settings for every route (default true)

Options inherited from parent commands 🔗︎

      --accept-license                   Accept the license:
      --backyards-namespace string       Namespace in which Backyards is installed [$BACKYARDS_NAMESPACE] (default "backyards-system")
      --base-url string                  Custom Backyards base URL (uses port forwarding or proxying if empty)
      --cacert string                    The CA to use for verifying Backyards' server certificate
      --color                            use colors on non-tty outputs (default true)
      --context string                   name of the kubeconfig context to use
      --formatting.force-color           force color even when non in a terminal
      --interactive                      ask questions interactively even if stdin or stdout is non-tty
  -c, --kubeconfig string                path to the kubeconfig file to use for CLI requests
  -p, --local-port int                   Use this local port for port forwarding / proxying to Backyards (when set to 0, a random port will be used) (default -1)
      --non-interactive                  never ask questions interactively
  -o, --output string                    output format (table|yaml|json) (default "table")
      --persistent-config-file string    Backyards persistent config file to use instead of the default at ~/.banzai/backyards/
      --resource-wait-timeout duration   The length of time to wait before giving up on waiting for resource coditions to met (default 5m0s)
      --token string                     Authentication token to use to communicate with Backyards
      --use-portforward                  Use port forwarding instead of proxying to reach Backyards
  -v, --verbose                          turn on debug logging