Use command line tools like the Banzai CLI to manage the cluster.

Access the cluster with Banzai CLI 🔗︎

  1. To download and install the Banzai CLI, run

    curl | sh

    See other installation methods.

  2. Login to the cluster. Run

    banzai login --endpoint=<PIPELINE_HOSTNAME>/pipeline
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions: log in to Pipeline in the browser, then grant access to the CLI.

  4. Log in to the cluster. This command opens a subshell on your machine and sets the environment variables so you can use the kubectl command to run commands in the proper cluster context.

    banzai cluster shell --cluster-name=<CLUSTER-NAME> --organization=<ORGANIZATION_ID>
  5. Verify that the connection is working. Run a kubectl command, for example:

    kubectl get nodes

Access the cluster without the Banzai CLI 🔗︎

  1. On the Pipeline web interface, select Cluster Management > Access the cluster from the command line > Download to download the configuration file of the cluster (KUBECONFIG).

  2. Set the Kubernetes context to the file saved in the previous step.

  3. Verify that the connection is working. Run a kubectl command, for example:

    kubectl get nodes