banzai cluster service backup enable 🔗︎

Enable Backup service on this cluster

Synopsis 🔗︎

Enable the Backup service on this cluster and schedule an automatic backup. The cluster must be in RUNNING or WARNING state. You need to enable the service before running any other related commands.

banzai cluster service backup enable [flags]

Options 🔗︎

      --cluster int32         ID of cluster to enable
      --cluster-name string   Name of cluster to enable
  -f, --file string           Enable backup service specification file
  -h, --help                  help for enable

Options inherited from parent commands 🔗︎

      --color                use colors on non-tty outputs
      --config string        config file (default is $BANZAICONFIG or $HOME/.banzai/config.yaml)
      --interactive          ask questions interactively even if stdin or stdout is non-tty
      --no-color             never display color output
      --no-interactive       never ask questions interactively
      --organization int32   organization id
  -o, --output string        output format (default|yaml|json) (default "default")
      --verbose              more verbose output