To quickly install the CLI, use the following command. To upgrade an existing installation, see Upgrade Banzai CLI.

$ curl | sh

The script automatically chooses the best distribution package for your platform.

Available packages:

  • Deb package — for latest Ubuntu LTS and Debian stable releases
  • RPM package — for latest CentOS, RHEL, SLES or openSUSE releases
  • binary tarballs for Linux and macOS (x86_64).

You can also select the installation method (one of auto, deb, rpm, brew, tar or go) explicitly:

$ curl | sh -s -- deb

On macOS, you can directly Homebrew:

$ brew install banzaicloud/tap/banzai-cli

Building from source manually 🔗︎

If you have a golang environment ready, you can also build the tool yourself using the command below. The command will take care of downloading the source of the Banzai CLI and its dependencies, and building an executable. For example on a recent Ubuntu you can install a Go environment able to compile Banzai CLI with sudo apt install golang git.

$ go get

You will find the executable file under your $GOPATH/bin directory (~/go/bin by default). To use the command as banzai, you can either add the directory to your PATH, or install it globally with a command like this:

$ sudo install ${GOPATH:-~/go}/bin/banzai /usr/local/bin

Next steps 🔗︎

If you have successfully installed Banzai CLI, you can either Install your own instance of Banzai Cloud Pipeline with it, or log in to an existing Pipeline.