Activating the External DNS integrated service creates DNS entries for the public services running in the cluster. Note that:

  • You have to create and expose the public services (for example, enable Ingress).
  • Existing services are ignored. Pipeline creates DNS entries only for the public services that are exposed after you have activated the External DNS integrated service.
  • The time it takes for the DNS entry of a service to become accessible depends on your cloud DNS provider.

You can make the DNS entries publicly available from the entire Internet, or you can restrict access to specific subdomains.

Prerequisites 🔗︎

  • Access to one of the supported domain name (DNS) providers, with a secret already configured in Banzai Cloud Pipeline.
  • Depending on the DNS provider you use, you might have to create provider-specific resources first, for example, a Resource Group in AzureDNS, or a Project in Google Cloud DNS.
  • To make the integrated services (for example, Cluster logging and Cluster monitoring) accessible, enable Ingress for the service.

Activate the DNS integrated service 🔗︎

Open a shell and run the following command:

% banzai cluster service dns activate

Complete the interactive wizard. Alternatively, you can specify the options in a file or on the standard input:

% banzai cluster service dns activate --file - <<EOF
"domainFilters": [""],
"policy": "sync",
"sources": ["ingress", "service"],
"provider": {
    "name": "route53",
    "secretId": "0fb5e6a344aaeb3382554ef3536791237d6e3f8ab59026e5bd8f6e3949675259",
    "options": {
        "region": "us-west-2",
        "batchSize": "1000"

Deactivate the DNS integrated service 🔗︎

Open a shell and run the following command:

% banzai cluster service dns deactivate