Restore a cluster from the UI 🔗︎

To restore a cluster to a previous state from the Pipeline web UI, complete the following steps.

  1. Navigate to Main Menu > Disaster Recovery. List backups
  2. Select the cluster you have backed up and want to restore from the CLUSTER field.
  3. Find the backup you want to use, then select Details > Restore. Restore cluster

Restore a cluster from the CLI 🔗︎

To restore a cluster to a previous state from the CLI, complete the following steps.

  1. Connect to the cluster.

  2. Find the backup you want to restore by running the banzai cluster service backup list command.

    banzai cluster service backup list
    ID   Name                                  Cloud   Distribution  TTL      ExpireAt              Status   
    215  <cluster-name>-20201111115245         amazon  eks           24h0m0s  2020-11-12T11:52:47Z  Completed
  3. Run the banzai cluster service restore create command, then select the backup to restore to the cluster.

  4. You can monitor the progress of the restore job by running the banzai cluster restore list command.

    $ banzai cluster restore list
    ID  Name                                          BackupName                     Status
    2   cluster-backup-20201027084946-20201027111751  cluster-backup-20201027084946  InProgress