Banzai Cloud Pipeline provides a number of integrated services that allow for simple configuration and deployment of frequently used cluster-related services.

These services can be activated using the web UI or the Banzai CLI tool. Note that the banzai CLI tool supports a wider range of configuration options.

The following sections provide a brief introduction to each integrated service.

Note: The command line examples assume that you have installed the Banzai CLI tool, logged in, and selected a cluster to operate on.

Bank-Vaults 🔗︎

Use the Bank-Vaults integrated service to enhance security by injecting secrets directly into the pods from Bank-Vaults.

  • To configure the configure the Bank-Vaults integrated service from the command line, see Bank-Vaults CLI.

Cluster logging 🔗︎

Use the Cluster logging integrated service to view your cluster logs.

  • To configure the Cluster logging integrated service on the web interface, see Cluster logging.

Cluster monitoring 🔗︎

Use the Cluster monitoring integrated service to collect and view metrics about your clusters. Pipeline uses the CNCF graduated project Prometheus and Grafana to monitor Kubernetes clusters. Read a more detailed overview.

  • To configure the configure the Cluster monitoring integrated service from the command line, see Cluster monitoring CLI.

DNS 🔗︎

Use the DNS integrated service to enable public access to services on your cluster by using domain names.

  • To configure the DNS integrated service on the web interface, see External DNS.
  • To use the DNS integrated service from the command line, see External DNS CLI.

Expiration 🔗︎

Remove your cluster automatically at the specified date, or after the specified time. You can modify the date later, or deactivate the Expiration service to keep the cluster indefinitely.

  • To configure this integrated service on the web interface, see Expiration.
  • To configure this integrated service from the command line, see Expiration CLI.

Security scan 🔗︎

Use the Security scan integrated service to automatically check the images used in your pods before they are deployed. That way you can prevent deploying pods that contain known security vulnerabilities, based on the Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) database. Read a more detailed overview.

  • To configure this integrated service on the web interface, see Security scan.
  • To configure this integrated service from the command line, see Security scan CLI.