The instructions below describe how to set up authentication credentials for managing ACK clusters through Banzai Cloud Pipeline.

Create a RAM User 🔗︎

Log in to the RAM console with your primary account or with a user that has RAM Admin privileges. Select Users and click Create User.

Create RAM User

Specify a user name (e.g. ack-admin) and select Programatic access than click OK

RAM user details

Click Download CSV File to download the user’s security credentials to your computer. Banzai Cloud Pipeline will ask for these credentials when creating an ACK cluster.

Save user access key

Setup permissions 🔗︎

This list allows you to try all features of Banzai Cloud Pipeline. Banzai Cloud offers a more granular list of permissions for its customers that consists of the permissions that are required for the features the customer decides to use.

Note: We recommend using groups to manage permissions.

Create a group for managing user permissions (e.g. ack-admins).

Create group

Select the created group and click Permissions.

Create policy

Click Add Permissions and attach the following authorization policies to the group:

  • AliyunECSFullAccess
  • AliyunCSFullAccess
  • AliyunESSFullAccess
  • AliyunOSSFullAccess
  • AliyunVPCReadOnlyAccess

Edit group authorization policy

Click OK to save authorization policy changes.

Group Authorization policies

Select Group Members and click Add Group Members to add users (e.g. ack-admin) to the group.

Group details