To customize the Dex configuration of your One Eye installation, complete the following steps.
Prerequisites 🔗︎
You must have a working One Eye installation. Dex supports several different authentication backends, the following example uses GitHub authentication.
Steps 🔗︎
Prepare a customized Dex configuration snippet.
Note: One Eye installs Dex using the official Dex Helm chart. For details on the Dex parameters you can configure, see the list of Dex configuration values, and the official Dex documentation.
configyaml=" config: connectors: - config: clientID: <github-client-id> clientSecret: <github-client-secret> redirectURI: https://dex.<pomerium-root-domain>/dex/callback loadAllGroups: true useLoginAsID: true type: github id: github name: Github "
Create a secret using the configuration snippet from the previous step to use with Dex. Adjust the namespace if needed to match the namespace Dex is installed in:
kubectl apply -f -<<EOF apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret metadata: name: <name-of-dex-secret> namespace: default data: config: $(echo "$configyaml" | base64) EOF
Check that the secret is successfully created with the proper configuration.
kubectl get secret <name-of-dex-secret> -o json | jq -r '.data | map_values(@base64d)["config"]'
Edit the One Eye Observer custom resource (called one-eye in the example) to use the newly created secret for Dex.
kubectl patch observer one-eye --type merge -p " spec: dex: dexchart: valuesSecret: key: config name: <name-of-dex-secret>"
Edit your One Eye Observer custom resource (called one-eye in the example) and set a groupRoleMapping to give editor privileges to a GitHub group.
kubectl patch observer one-eye --type merge -p " spec: authorization: groupRoleMapping: <one-eye-editors-github-group>: editor"