one-eye thanos install 🔗︎

Install a Thanos stack attached to an existing in-cluster Prometheus

Synopsis 🔗︎

Install a Thanos stack attached to an existing in-cluster Prometheus

one-eye thanos install [flags]

Options 🔗︎

  -h, --help                    help for install
      --operator-image string   override the operator image being used
      --prometheus              install prometheus and grafana using prometheus operator
      --secret string           name/key of the object store configuration secret item
      --update                  update an existing thanos installation

Options inherited from parent commands 🔗︎

      --accept-license     accept evaluation license
  -n, --namespace string   kubernetes namespace
      --non-interactive    non-interactive mode
  -v, --verbosity int      log level. raise to get more detailed log output (default 1)