PromtailSpec 🔗︎
PromtailSpec defines the desired state of Promtail
namespace (string, required) 🔗︎
The resources of Promtail will be placed into this namespace
Default: -
enableRecreateWorkloadOnImmutableFieldChange (bool, optional) 🔗︎
EnableRecreateWorkloadOnImmutableFieldChange enables the operator to recreate the
daemonset (and possibly other resource in the future) in case there is a change in an immutable field
that otherwise couldn’t be managed with a simple update.
Default: -
workloadMetaOverrides (*types.MetaBase, optional) 🔗︎
Override metadata of the created resources
Default: -
workloadOverrides (*types.PodSpecBase, optional) 🔗︎
Override podSpec fields for the given daemonset
Default: -
containerOverrides (*types.ContainerBase, optional) 🔗︎
Override container fields for the given statefulset
Default: -
containerRuntime (string, optional) 🔗︎
Container Runtime (docker, containerd)
Default: -
pipelineStages ([]string, optional) 🔗︎
PipelineStages (docker, cri)
Default: -
lokiUrl (string, optional) 🔗︎
Loki URL http://loki:3100/loki/api/v1/push
Default: -
security (*Security, optional) 🔗︎
Security defines promtail deployment security properties
Default: -
tolerations ([]corev1.Toleration, optional) 🔗︎
Default: -
nodeSelector (map[string]string, optional) 🔗︎
Default: -
affinity (*corev1.Affinity, optional) 🔗︎
Default: -
podPriorityClassName (string, optional) 🔗︎
Default: -
resources (corev1.ResourceRequirements, optional) 🔗︎
Default: -
image (ImageSpec, optional) 🔗︎
Default: -
PromtailStatus 🔗︎
PromtailStatus defines the observed state of Promtail
Promtail 🔗︎
Promtail is the Schema for the promtails API
(metav1.TypeMeta, required) 🔗︎
Default: -
metadata (metav1.ObjectMeta, optional) 🔗︎
Default: -
spec (PromtailSpec, optional) 🔗︎
Default: -
status (PromtailStatus, optional) 🔗︎
Default: -
PromtailList 🔗︎
PromtailList contains a list of Promtail
(metav1.TypeMeta, required) 🔗︎
Default: -
metadata (metav1.ListMeta, optional) 🔗︎
Default: -
items ([]Promtail, required) 🔗︎
Default: -
Security 🔗︎
Security defines promtail deployment security properties
serviceAccount (string, optional) 🔗︎
Default: -
roleBasedAccessControlCreate (*bool, optional) 🔗︎
Default: -
podSecurityPolicyCreate (bool, optional) 🔗︎
Default: -
securityContext (*corev1.SecurityContext, optional) 🔗︎
Default: -
podSecurityContext (*corev1.PodSecurityContext, optional) 🔗︎
Default: -
ImageSpec 🔗︎
ImageSpec struct hold information about image specification
repository (string, optional) 🔗︎
Default: -
tag (string, optional) 🔗︎
Default: -
pullPolicy (string, optional) 🔗︎
Default: -