LogZ output plugin for Fluentd 🔗︎
Overview 🔗︎
More info at https://github.com/tarokkk/fluent-plugin-logzio
Example output configurations 🔗︎
url: https://listener.logz.io
port: 8071
name: logz-token
key: token
output_include_tags: true
output_include_time: true
type: file
flush_mode: interval
flush_thread_count: 4
flush_interval: 5s
chunk_limit_size: 16m
queue_limit_length: 4096
Configuration 🔗︎
Logzio 🔗︎
LogZ Send your logs to LogZ.io
endpoint (*Endpoint, required) 🔗︎
Define LogZ endpoint URL
Default: -
output_include_time (bool, optional) 🔗︎
Should the appender add a timestamp to your logs on their process time (recommended).
Default: -
output_include_tags (bool, optional) 🔗︎
Should the appender add the fluentd tag to the document, called “fluentd_tag”
Default: -
http_idle_timeout (int, optional) 🔗︎
Timeout in seconds that the http persistent connection will stay open without traffic.
Default: -
retry_count (int, optional) 🔗︎
How many times to resend failed bulks.
Default: -
retry_sleep (int, optional) 🔗︎
How long to sleep initially between retries, exponential step-off.
Default: -
bulk_limit (int, optional) 🔗︎
Limit to the size of the Logz.io upload bulk. Defaults to 1000000 bytes leaving about 24kB for overhead.
Default: -
bulk_limit_warning_limit (int, optional) 🔗︎
Limit to the size of the Logz.io warning message when a record exceeds bulk_limit to prevent a recursion when Fluent warnings are sent to the Logz.io output.
Default: -
gzip (bool, optional) 🔗︎
Should the plugin ship the logs in gzip compression. Default is false.
Default: -
buffer (*Buffer, optional) 🔗︎
Default: -
slow_flush_log_threshold (string, optional) 🔗︎
The threshold for chunk flush performance check. Parameter type is float, not time, default: 20.0 (seconds) If chunk flush takes longer time than this threshold, fluentd logs warning message and increases metric fluentd_output_status_slow_flush_count.
Default: -
Endpoint 🔗︎
Endpoint defines connection details for LogZ.io.
url (string, optional) 🔗︎
Default: https://listener.logz.io
port (int, optional) 🔗︎
Port over which to connect to LogZ URL.
Default: 8071
token (*secret.Secret, optional) 🔗︎
LogZ API Token. Secret
Default: -